Video Marketing & SEO

Online Video Marketing & Search Engine Optimization

Online video marketing refers to the strategies used by online marketers to create, optimize and promote video content on the web. In the past decade the use of video marketing tactics by web marketing firms has skyrocketed. Video marketing is now widely considered to be among the most valuable tools in the box of the modern search engine marketing company of the (Post-Penguin) era of SEO.

Why? A few things are at play here. First, Brand identity is among the most significant assets in business today. Online and on the streets, your clients are interacting with it all the time. In today’s tech savvy times, the combination of motion imagery and sound has become among the most fashionable and effective way to get your businesses message across to your potential clients.

Another major factor at play here is the huge role that video marketing now plays in virtually every well executed SEO plan. This second factor, the important place of video marketing holds in search engine optimization campaigns, is what occupies the bulk of the remaining discussion in this post.

The Importance of Video Marketing to SEO

Online video marketing has become central to most well-rounded SEO campaigns. The value of marketing online videos to a full service search engine optimization plan is twofold.

The Twofold Value of Online Video Marketing to SEO

  1. Online videos tend to rank high on search engines.
  2. Video marketing campaigns build valuable backlinks.

To accomplish this combination experienced video production specialists at OptimizeUp make use of cutting-edge technologies in video production.

OptimizeUp has a team of dedicated online video creation and marketing specialists with the know-how to create compelling brand videos that capture the attention of your targeted audience.